Quality Car Image Editing Increases Your Sales!

Car dealers all over the world strive to source the best products they can and advertise them on several platforms. Naturally, the photos you take of your cars contribute to the appeal of the product. It contributes to the hype and showcases the vehicle in a new light!

But… what happens when you have the perfect car but have a below par image on your website? The answer is simple! Your sales will take a nose-dive. You’ll bleed money.

However, there IS a solution! Car Image Editing. Rather than spending hours on a new photoshoot arrangement, get in touch with us for some Photoshop magic!

We’ll edit out the shortcomings and send you Lifelike images which generate sales!

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Clipping Path are edits everyday
car image editing services for car dealership business

Why Would You Need Car Image Editing Services?

If you’re a car vendor and do your own marketing, you’ll know how much prep goes into a photoshoot. Photographers need to be on their toes while taking each shot and getting it right. Even then, things can and will go wrong, you know it.

What if the backdrop is not up to the mark? What if the angle is just not right? Sometimes, you’ll not have ample light to take the shot as well. Rather than bleeding money in another photoshoot, you CAN right your wrongs by car image editing service.

Play your cards right and you’ll be able to remove dodgy backgrounds from your car’s photos. Do some old-school retouching and lift your car’s image with color correction or “Sharpening.” Sometimes, the “Reflection effect” on the floor projects the BMW in a professional light as well.

How Can Guys at Path Foto Help?

Being a businessman, you have a lot on your plate, we understand. You can’t possibly edit thousands of images of hundreds of cars you have. Your time will be better spent in meetings, deciding ROIs, sales strategies, and annual goals.

As far as Photo Manipulation is concerned, Path Foto is here to help.

Our professionals will meticulously draw clipping paths, take care of all the tone and color changes of the image, and even go as far as doing some old school photo retouching to elevate your images. We’ll do all this in record time, without pushing the envelope further.

We Provide Peak Car Image Editing Service at a Rate Suitable to You!

You must be thinking, “Fixing a botched image takes work.” Yes, you’re right. We are known for going the extra mile when it comes to car image editing. Be it background removal, color correction, image retouching, or object removal… our experts do it all.

Path Foto takes pride in providing quick results as well. Depending on the quantity, we can finish the gig within a day or two. Minimum timeframe of completion is six hours.

Don’t worry, our rates are within your capable wallets as well. We charge as little as $0.39 an image.

Affordable car image editing services

Check out our beautiful Car Image Editing projects

Best car image editing service

Frequently Asked Questions

In our 9 years of working as a team, our expert photo editors have helped several car businesses and dealerships as far as image tweaking and adjusting goes.

As with any kind of photo and editing service, car image editing gig timings remain the same. We can deliver the expected edits within 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, and 96 hours depending on how many images we’ll need to work on.

We can receive JPG, PSD, TIFF, PNG, HEIC, NEF, RAW, CR2, DNG, and PDF format images. Whereas, we can deliver JPG, PNG, PSD, TIF, AI, EPS, PDF, DXF, and SVG formatted images when done.

When our clients send the images to us, we categorize those images in proper order. Then, we send those images to our respective departments. Our experts do the editing and then send it back to our client in proper order. This way, we can edit a large batch within a good time.

Don't settle for ordinary images when you can have pixel perfection every time.

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Hear from our satisfied customers who have experienced the Path Foto difference.

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